I was just looking through my past blog posts and was a bit surprised when I realized that it’s been just over a year – 14 months, to be exact – since I pushed pause on my business to do a complete overhaul of my pattern templates and website. A year ago, I relaunched my sewing pattern label with a new website and one pattern…now I have five!
There are so many ups and downs in business, and I can really get down on myself, but taking a moment to look at how far I’ve come in the past year filled me with a huge sense of accomplishment.
Last year, my main focus was on building a strong foundation for my sewing pattern label. I felt it was important to get everything nice and tidy with a professional site and clear branding and stunning photos. I work hard to produce high quality patterns, and that needed to be reflected in my online presence.
My big dream and goal, though, is not just to have a pretty presence online, but to create a business that provides an income that can help support my family. Just as a job outside of the home would help support my family. I love this job! I love being a clothing architect: designing, drafting and grading, puzzling and problem solving. But it’s been interesting to me to see that the greatest challenges have come from my own insecurities – putting myself out there in photos, posting on social media and talking about what I’m doing and what I’ve made. Growing up, we’re taught to be confident… but not boastful. Marketing a business that is so much *me* feels like walking a very fine line between those two concepts.
So, I’d like to say THANK YOU! Thank you for being here. Your support means so much to me - whether you’ve purchased a pattern, come in search of sources for ethical fabrics or you’re simply stopping by for a moment, thank you. You are a part of my journey, and you mean a lot to me.
photography by Erin Little Photography
Thanks for sharing – I can really relate to those few sentences where you shared about how we’re taught to not be boastful, yet with growing a business we have to showcase our product, service – ourselves! It is a fine line, and I’ve been struggling with it for decades!
My life is immensely better now that you are in it. You are such a great addition to this indie seeing community and I can’t wait to see what the coming year has in store for you.